Latest Winning No:20 December 2013


IMG_2752 001 WEB

Jackpot Winner Mike Gallagher (of Lytham)

Jackpot Total £3,400




Jackpot Winner Joe Cork (of Kirkham)


Your chance to win big cash prizes every week and support your local community.

The aim of FSL Gold Lottery is to raise funds to support community sports projects and a wide variety of sporting organisations throughout the Fylde Area.


We are asking all sports clubs, organisations and societies to get involved and support FSL Gold find out how this can benefit your club or organisation and raise much needed funds



FSL Gold Require Canvassers and Collectors

Working on behalf of FSL Gold you will working in the Fylde coast area collecting for FSL Gold lottery. Good rates of pay, full uniform and training provided. For more information please contact Mike Cato Lottery managerOn 07730 762 856 or e-mail [email protected]
